Nouras Al Bahar provides the most innovative, reliable and durable electrical products for any need, from residential wiring to heavy duty equipment designed for the most hazardous, corrosive and weather-exposed conditions. We have built a complete electrical supply business that brings together the world’s best-known brands under one roof. We are a leader in industrial supply with an extensive offering of electrical products. We are more than just an electrical distributor; we are a company of procurement specialists, helping customers lower supply chain costs and increase their efficiency.
Conduit Pipes and Unistrut Channels
Electrical conduit pipes of various types such as (RGS) Rigid Steel Conduits, (IMC) Intermediate Metal Conduits, (EMT) and Electrical Metallic Conduits etc. Strut Channels, Cable Trays, and Cable Trunking of all sizes, Cable Trays and Cable Support systems, Cable Cleats etc.
Explosion & Flame Proof Fittings
Lights & Junction Boxes, Electrical Conduit Fittings, Conduit Outlet Boxes, Cast Device Boxes, Cast Device Boxes, Conduit Outlet Bodies, Cord Grip Connectors, Ex-proof Junction Boxes, Control Panels, Switches, Hubs, Unions, Tees, Reducers, Coupled Hoses, Drain seal Fittings, Conduit Sealing Compounds etc.
Grounding & Lightning Protection System
Our Products include: Ground Copper Rods, Bus Bars, Copper Tapes, Earth Conductors, Lightning arrestors, Air terminals, Earth Grid, DC Tapes, DC Clamps, Servit Post connectors, Thermo welding, Cad welding Moulds, Cad weld Powder etc.
Cables (Electrical & Welding)
Electrical Power Cables, Control Cables, Instrument Signal Cables, Thermocouple extension Cables, Marine ship board Cables, Fire proof MICC Mineral Insulated Copper Cables, Welding Cables etc with various insulation such as PVC, XLPE, SWA, LC, Rubber, Fiber, Teflon.